Donor & Financial Reporting
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Specialized Reporting with HELM
Reporting Features Designed to Serve the Unique Needs of NGOs
Print Reports
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Ad-Hoc Reports
Vestibulum auctor ex nec felis imperdiet tristique nec a lectus. Duis venenatis auctor velit. Fusce malesuada et est at congue. Donec lacinia maximus velit sit amet porttitor. Sed nec odio molestie, finibus nisi sed, scelerisque tellus. Vivamus a elementum nulla. Praesent luctus leo dui, in egestas lacus posuere vitae. Phasellus lectus quam, tincidunt at mauris tincidunt, vulputate maximus velit.
Specialized Reporting
A critical part of any business is the ability to easily access and report on data in your system. Particularly in a nonprofit environment, there are additional demands for specialized reports for unique shipping manifests, donor reporting, kit budgeting, and more. To address these needs, HELM has two built-in reporting tools. The first is for traditional reports, and the second is for advanced users wishing to do on-the-fly Ad-Hoc reports, exports, and charts.
Let’s Talk!
Schedule a demo to get a look at everything Humanitarian Software can do for you